Visa and travel documents?

I am on the April 3, 2017, tour. When I made my reservation, I opted for Tauck to obtain the necessary Visa for Australia. For others who have done this, when should I expect to receive that? Also, will I receive any other travel documents before the trip? Thank you.


  • Shortly after you make your final payment, you should receive a green spiral bound book with all of the information you will need for your tour. Inside the book will also be two Tauck luggage tags. If you haven't traveled with Tauck before, I would read this document from cover to cover. It has a lot of important information, especially arrival instructions. Tauck has been known (not frequently) to miss sending you this document. I had to call one time to get mine and I ran into someone on a tour that never got theirs (the were first time traveler and didn't know to expect them). If you don't get the book within 3 weeks after your final payment, I would call and check.

    As far as the visas go, I got mine about 6 weeks before the departure date. It comes by e-mail in the form of a receipt for the electronic visa.

    Note: I'm doing the "Cruising Down Under" tour, but the Grand Australia should be the same.
  • Thank you so much, Ken! Happy Holidays!
  • I am doing the "Cruising Down Under Westbound" trip departing on January 29. I got my green booklet of trip details about a week ago and the Australian visa (a piece of paper) was included with the luggage tag and other enclosures.
  • Thank you, smarks50 - I hope you have a wonderful time!

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