May 11, 2017 China Tauck tour Jewish tour of Shanghai on May 22nd

Anyone else on our tour interested in joining us for this tour. We are a party of 4 and need 4 more to arrange the tour. We will be in Shanghai on May 22nd with a free afternoon.
Our tour is half-day, 4 hrs.
We meet and start at the Peace Hotel (ex-Cathay Hotel, built by Sir Victor Sassoon), then go to Hongkou district (known as the Shanghai ghetto) visiting various places there, including the Ohel Moshe synagogue and refugee museum, a Jewish monument, and a Chinese (formerly Jewish refugee) home.
The tour price is 450 RMB per person, with a minimum of eight participants that day.
Please contact me at


  • I'm on the same tour aweek earlier. The jewish tour sounds like something I would like to do. In checking this tour I found that vivitour does this in the morning only. Tauck tells me that only the afternoon is free. Can you help thanks
  • The tour guide is willing to do an afternoon tour as long as he has 8 participants. He has done this with many Tauck tours such as ours.
  • We now have 6 people (3 couples) for our tour of Jewish Shanghai. We are still looking for a fourth and final couple to join us.
  • We are 2 people & would very much like to join the tour of Jewish Shanghai on May 22. Please contact me if possible @
  • We are now a group of 8. Our tour is complete.

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