Feb 2, 2017 Grand Australia and New Zealand

Hello everyone! My husband and I are excited to take our first trip "down under". Still reading Bill Bryson's book, In a Sunburned Country. It's quite enjoyable! Would love to hear from some of our fellow travelers.. Jennifer Hughes


  • Hi! We are also on the February 2 Australia and New Zealand tour with Tauck. We have never been there either so it should be very interesting. Looking forward to meeting other guest...Cynthia and Leland from Louisiana
  • My wife Marie and I are treating ourselves on this "bucket list" tour starting Feb 2
    We are looking forward to being catered to as only Tauck knows how.
    I've been in Sydney many years ago, but never anything this extensive

    Excited about the new experiences and meeting fellow travelers

    Russ D'Emidio, The Villages, Florida
  • Hi Everyone, My husband and I are going to do this trip in 2018 and I hope to get some insight from you all since you are fresh off your trip. Any bits of advice you'd like to offer? Free day activities? Pre/post trip excursions? Packing dos and don'ts? What you wish you knew before you went? Special restaurant or activity recommendations? Did any of you go to Prince Island to see the penguins? If so, did you book through tour company or DIY? Anyone go to Hobbiton after your trip? Thanks in advance for any and all info you'd like to share.
  • Hi! My husband & i are taking the tour starting 3/27. Looking forward to hearing from any one on this trip
  • Hi! My husband & i are taking the tour starting 3/27. Looking forward to hearing from any one on this trip

    Hi Linda, If I don't hear from these guys will you report back after your trip? Thank you!!! Have a wonderful time. :)

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