Cruising Down Under -Eastbound February 2, 2017

We are a party of four. Two brothers and thier lovely wives.????We are arriving a day early and are trying to arrange a day trip on the 2 nd of February EARLY IN THE MORNING UNTIL 4:30/5 pm to cover The Great Ocean Road. We have contacted a Tours By Locals Guide named Peter J and he is willing to customize the tour for our Tauck time constraints.
We ar looking for two others to accompany us. He has a Mercedes Viano van that seats 7. Anyone iNterested, leave a message here and I can direct you to the website so you can view the details. We are also trying to do the trip to Phillips Island to see the Penguin Parade on February 3. Again, he can pick us up at our hotel apprx. 3:15 when we are done our tour with Tauck and spend the rest of the day/ evening him. We would pay for the tour and then split it 6 ways.

My husband and I have used Tours by Locals in Ireland, Iceland and Canada and they have been very accommodating.


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