Advice on extending the cruise in Budapest


I've been considering adding an extra full day after the cruise ends. It appears that Tauck uses the "Le Meridien" Hotel in Budapest, so I should research on what is available to see that might be close by. I'm uncertain about doing an extension since another river trip that interests us is the one that continues on from Budapest to Bucharest. (Actually, before booking this trip I debated at length over whether or not to simply do the Grand trip that does the entire distance. Several recommendations I got on various forums suggested breaking it up into 2 separate trips). The reason I might hesitate to add extra day(s) in Budapest after the October trip is that if we decide to go back over at some point, the trip that begins in Budapest and continues east appears to have sufficient time there before sailing further. Like any place I've ever visited, there is always more to see and do! I have to decide this, obviously, before picking a flight schedule. Any thoughts? The cruise ends on 10/21, so I was thinking about staying on - 2 nights at the hotel - and then flying out on the 23rd. Perhaps it would be good to do it since, of course, there is no guarantee that we'd get back there to do the rest. With my poor (and getting worse) memory, it really wouldn't matter a few years I could probably redo the whole trip and most of it would seem new again LOL !



  • Hi Keith,

    We are taking the Amsterdam to Budapest cruise that ends in Budapest on Monday 09/04/2017. We are staying three extra days to visit the Jewish/WWII sights and one entire day taking a tour of the Budapest country-side. We are hoping to find a tour of a horse ranch (with a show) and a tour of a farm. Our thinking is that we have just spent 15 days touring cities, castles and museums and would like to get out and see a little of the country around Budapest.

    We will also have a couple of days just to walk around Budapest and see what ever interest us.

    Just my thoughts, I hope it helps,


    P.S. Anyone else going on the Esprit from Amsterdam to Budapest leaving August 21, 2017? Maybe we can connect before we leave?

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