Provence vs Provence & Paris

We are trying to decide which trip to take, 8 days in Provence or 8 days in Provence and Paris. Have never been to Paris so thinking the overview of Paris might be helpful as we want to extend our stay in Paris. The 8 days in Provence sounds wonderful as well and we could do Paris on our own. Any thoughts anyone.


  • We did the French Waterways in 2016. 2 days in Paris then river cruise on the Rhône starting in Lyon and going through Provence. It was a very good trip. Only negative was the opening dinner at Fouquets which was not worth the time. This exact river cruise is not available but Savoring France seems to be a very similar replacement. I highly recommend this trip.
  • edited January 2019
    In general I'd say go for the Provence only since you plan on adding time in Paris.

    However, two things to consider.

    Which itinerary/sights do you prefer? Provence only is a culturious branded tour so a slightly different focus than the standard Tauck land tour.

    Note that the Provence tour is a 4/3 activity and pace tour vs 2/2 for the combined tour. Are you up for the more rigorous activity and pace?
  • My wife and I are considering a May 18th 8-day tour. And you are right, it is rated Activity 4 and Pace of 3. When talking with the agent a 1 -2-mile walk did not seem bad...were the cobble stones or slope of the streets tough? Any recommendations?

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