How to pack...
We are going on Peru and Galapagos Trip July1st. Can anyone give us some ideas as to what size luggage we should bring? Did anyone do this with just a rolling carry on and a backpack? Did anyone have problems with lost luggage? With all the flights involved does the group have to wait as a whole for everyone to get checked under plane luggage? I really would love some guidance before I get some new luggage..Thanks...
They will probably have snorkels to fit your ten year old since they do Bridges trips, but call Tauck to check
As far as snorkel equipment for a child, you should double check with Tauck. The Bridges trip uses a different ship than the Peru/Machu Picchu trip. Since you mention Machu Picchu, I assume you are on the same trip we took. That one uses the Isabela II, and, while the equipment was excellent, I don't know if there would be any available in a small enough size. However, letting them know beforehand will no doubt ensure they do have the needed equipment . If your ten-year-old is anxious to snorket, it will be the experience of a lifetime!!
So…a couple questions:
1. Traveler book says we are "urged" to use the duffel. I assume it would not be an issue if I chose to pack a SMALLER duffel to use for the Machu Picchu night? I do not want the bulk of that other duffel in my suitcase.
2. Is the 10-lb limit ONLY for the checked bag on the train to MP? Any weight limit to the carry-on (which has a 15-lb limit on the flights)
Thanks for any input. Now that I have my shoe choices worked out, I'm really getting excited for the trip!
So…I'll be taking a (MUCH) smaller duffel than was sent, will use it as a second carry-on during my flight that will carry a few things just in case my luggage fails to arrive with me in Lima. Then I'll put the duffel in my suitcase till the trip to Machu Picchu.
Stay tuned for how it works out. Working on packing now, trying to check the extended weather forecasts…which range from high 80's in Ecuador to a low in the mid-30's in Cusco. As with any trip, I guess it'll be all about the layers!!