New Mexico Land of Enchantment

We will be going on this trip September 14th. Anyone have any tips on what to wear?


  • I assume you mean the New Mexico tour not the Canyonlands - different states although the packing tips are pretty much the same. I live in the NM mountains near both Albu and Santa Fe. The Tauck website's advice in the Packing Tips and Before You Go for this tour is spot on and exactly what I would recommend. Casual, comfortable, layers.

    This is a beautiful time of year here with generally mild, warm days and surprisingly cool nights. You're also likely to get some rain as we are still in our monsoon season.

    Bring a light weight breathable rain jacket and sunscreen. You'll be 7,000 ft closer to the sun here.

    Let me know if you have any specific concerns not addressed here.

    Your tour itinerary sounds great. Have fun.
  • Cheri, please write a review after you get back. I'm on the 10-12-14 trip and would be very interested in your opinion of the hotels, trip schedule, downtime, etc. Are you doing any of the spas? I heard it's very casual. Let me know how the welcome and closing dinners went.

    Thank you!

  • I'll give you a full report when we return!
  • Hi Cheri,

    I came here to say exactly what Claudia said -- I'm glad we're all in agreement on that! I hope you have a fantastic time on your trip, and yes, please do leave a review when you return!

  • Have done one trip with Tauck and am scheduled for another in the fall. I live in NM and have visited all of the sites that you will see. The only thing I would add is be sure to bring a good hiking shoe especially for Bandelier. As you might expect with Tauck, your accommodations are first rate. I live only a mile or so from Tamaya and use their facilties and restaurants often. If you have dinner on your own while at Tamaya, don't forget about Prairie Star restaurant also on the grounds of the Santa Ana Pueblo. Eldorado has first rate food and El Monte has first class accommodations although the food is not great by Santa Fe standards. My three favorites in Santa Fe are Santa Cafe, Inn of the Anasazi and Geronimos. You should not be disappointed unless you need very formal service which is just not something you find in Santa Fe. Coyote Cafe can also be good but not as consistent as the other three. Hope you enjoy our Land of Enchantment.
  • We are taking this trip in early October. Are jeans the way to go or are they too hot?
  • Jeans are fine. High temps will likely be in the low-mid 70's. You might also want some lighter weight pants just for a change or to reduce the weight of your luggage.

    So far we've had a much cooler, wetter year than normal. First summer in 12 years I haven't been worrying about my house burning in a forest fire.

    Have fun. You've chosen a nice time to visit NM.
  • TauckTim wrote:
    Hi Cheri,

    I came here to say exactly what Claudia said -- I'm glad we're all in agreement on that! I hope you have a fantastic time on your trip, and yes, please do leave a review when you return!

  • Has anyone made this trip this October 2016

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