SA suggestions from Sept Essence Trip

Hi upcoming Essence of South America travelers on 11/7,

I just returned from the September trip and it was fantastic. You will really enjoy Gaston, your tour director, and the chance to experience all facets of Chile, Argentina and Brazil. A couple of suggestions from our traveling - and see that Debi (Crackeroo) who was on that trip has already given y'all packing tips.

*If you like cracked pepper, bring your own - it's hard to find and they really love salt.
*Accept that vegetables have a different meaning and you will be on a greens free diet most of the time.
*The Malbec wine is unbelievably good - and the Chilean vineyard you'll visit/lunch has two unique reds that you sample!
*In Buenos Aires, work with the hotel concierge and try a "closed door" dinner - very wonderful.....
*If you want to buy jewels in Brazil (Rio), check out Amsterdam Sauer and their Ipanema flag ship.
*The bugs are around but with repellent you'll be fine.
*Igauzu Falls is so stunning and inspirational - you'll feel it in your bones!

Enjoy the great trip - safe and smooth traveling,


  • Miki, Thank you so much for your tips- we will definitely take cracked pepper! Will we find Splenda there? Will we need to take Sunblock?? Did you find it difficult sticking to the 44 lb suitcase restriction?? What is a "closed door" dinner?? We leave Wednesday and really excited about the trip.
  • Hi Miki,

    I'm glad to hear you had such a fantastic time on your trip! Thanks for the tips, and thank you very much for traveling with us.

  • Thanks for the info MIKI
  • Hi Virginia Girl. I was on the same tour as Miki. We had a great time. Can't answer the Splenda question since I wasn't looking for it. I also can't answer the closed door restaurant question. I can tell you packing to 44 pounds is doable. Bring layers. It's a very casual tour. Even the welcome and farewell dinners weren't very dressy. And yes, bring sunblock. You'll have a great time. If you get Gaston as your tour director, say hi for us.
  • Crackeroo, Thanks for your reply. We leave tomorrow!! If we have Gaston as our TD, we'll pass on your greetings!
  • Hi upcoming SA travelers,

    Sorry for the delay in posting answers as I'm getting ready for my next Tauck trip to Hawaii on 11/8. I agree with Debi yes on sunblock and get the kind that works with "sweat" and water. Don't remember seeing Splenda or Stevia etc but they do have sugar - it's white not raw or brown.

    Closed door dinner is a special dinner offered by a local chef in either their home or restaurant for smaller parties with two seatings, typically 9p or 11p, that are unique 7-10 course small plates meals paired with local wines. It's a wonderful way to experience the foodie scene and was written about in the New York Times. 6 of us in our travel group went to a dinner in Palermo section of Buenos Aires for the 9p seating and it was a phenomenal experience. The concierge translated the Spanish menu and they even made special dishes for our avocado allergic gal. It worked out to about $125/person which included the wine. The cab fare was over and above that - but a very fun and exciting ride through Buenos Aires at night for about 45 minutes.

    I packed 27 lbs. in a 22 inch size and carried my bag on with a personal tote item which included a purse inside. It was very doable on clothes and for the trip. We had a mixture of dressy travelers who brought big luggage but most of us used scarves to dress up. Layers is definitely the way to go and a money belt for safety.

    Have a blast and you'll enjoy yourself. Say hi to Gaston for Miki.


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