6/10/15 trip to Russia and the Baltics

I am traveling solo on this trip, arriving a day earlier. Anyone else booked for this trip?


  • Hello Floridagal, my sister and I are going on this trip. We are also from Florida. Looking forward to it
  • Nice to hear from you! I live in Highland Beach and will be arriving in Vilnius one day early, on Lufthansa through Frankfurt.
  • My wife and I are also on this trip; also arriving a day early.
  • to sabfish and beaconkitty:
    I'm on Lufthansa flight 886 from Frankfurt arriving on 6/9.

  • We are flying from Miami and through Germany as well. :) my name is Melanie and I am traveling with my sister Sarah.
  • Melanie and Sarah - I'm flying from Miami on 6/8.

  • We are also on 886 on 6/9. Hoping weather does not delay our flight from IAD.

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