Helicopter Flight over the Three Sisters Peaks

We are wondering what people have to say about this activity on the Best of the Canadian Rockies trip. Does the helicopter have doors etc. Would be first helicopter flight. Thank you. Going on the August 28th trip


  • Yes, the helicopters have doors. They are quite comfortable and very smooth. The trip is short (about twelve minutes). Basically, they take you up over the ridge of mountains to the west of Canmore so that you see an aerial view of the Bow River valley. On the way you get a good close view of the Three Sisters peaks. The tour is run by Alpine Helicopters of Canmore. They are a large professional provider with multiple locations in Canada. You can see pictures of the copters and get other information on their website. Unless you are claustrophobic or have a pronounced fear of small aircraft, I would definitely do the trip. If you're just a little nervous, I think you'll find the ride very enjoyable. Many people opt out - I think that's a real mistake.

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