Clothing for India tour

Is a blazer for men needed for the PORTRAIT OF INDIA tour? We are trying to pack as light as possible and are coming from cold weather so a blazer is not the traveling jacket. Thanks. Any hints on clothes for dinner (men and women both) will be greatly appreciated.


  • edited December 2016
    A dress shirt is enough. I am still in favor of wearing clothes that are smart enough during the day that can also be worn in the evening, this saves space and saves the rush to change when sometimes there is very little time to change between arriving back at the hotel and dinner time. Or, wear a clean outfit in the evening and then wear it the next day for touring. On our tour of India, most women wore black all the time, but I like color, especially in India which is such a colorful country. It's good to have one pair of shoes you can dedicate to wearing outside and a pair for inside. You can stand in cow pooh quite easily wherever you are, so take shoes that you can toss or wash thoroughly when you get home. You might want to check out the very thin cool pants that one of my favorite stores, Uniqlo sell. They are a draping style that have ties at the ankle and look very Indian in style and can be worn with a tunic style top. They are sometimes on sale for $9-99 or the regular price is $14-99. They come in all colors and weight nothing. I have a couple of black pairs and more colorful ones for when I am being more daring. They are great for the modesty that is required in India and the tie ankles prevent any danger of dragging in that pooh!
  • Thank you....and were rupees a must.?We just got a letter saying some notes are discontinued so bring crisp US dollars. and that ATM machines may have very long lines.

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