
Luggage Lock

Has anyone encounter a problem with their luggage in Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa?
Would you recommend a luggage lock?


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    Has anyone encounter a problem with their luggage in Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa?
    Would you recommend a luggage lock?

    On our K&T and South Africa trips we did not use luggage locks and we had no problems. I never put valuables in checked luggage in the first place. Everything of value is in my backpack or carry-on. Upon arrival or prior to departure, if we are exposed to the public, the valuables then go into the largest luggage. It is difficult to run away with a fifty pound suitcase. Tauck does not take you to 'bad' places. They did tell us to keep the windows rolled up in Arusha, and they told us not to leave the hotel in Nairobi without a guard/escort ... preferably don't leave the hotel. Other than that, these trips are pretty tame, except for the animals. Other than cameras and such, you don't need any 'valuables' on these trips. We never felt 'exposed' on these trips. Far less than the Ramblas in Barcelona anyway.

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