Clothing for Yellowstone and Grand Tetons

The website says “resort casual” for the opening and closing reception/dinner. Not sure what that is. Do I need to take dress slacks (I’m female)?


  • edited September 2018
    The website says resort casual for every tour, that list is very generic. We are doing Yellowstone and Tetons in a couple of weeks with Tauck and I may take one decent pair of slacks and reasonable top, but it is essentially going to the National parks where everyone will be National Park vacation smart ???? Even on the more upmarket Tauck tours many people don’t bother to dress up in my experience. My husband has never taken a sports coat on a Tauck tour and never fealt out of place. We have been to formal dinners at Palaces with Tauck and some have worn what we would call safari outfits and shorts and t shirts. Having said all this, we always make sure our daytime outfits look nice enough to go straight to dinner if necessary because sometimes there is no time to change before dinner.
  • We did this tour several years ago. As I recall, it was one of the most casual of all our Tauck tours. Opening dinner, most people had Dockers or jeans and casual tops/sweaters. Looking at the pictures of the farewell dinner, dress was much of the same. No jackets or skirts and dresses. I wore a pair of blue Docker type slacks and a red sweater. Did not feel out of place at all. Have fun.

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