
Are Telecoils available for our "whisper" devices?


  • edited September 2018
    linpat wrote:
    Are Telecoils available for our "whisper" devices?

    From what I read, "a telecoil is a small copper wire coil located within some hearing aids and cochlear implants. It is designed to communicate with telephones and loop systems through an electromagnetic wireless signal. A telecoil can help improve speech understanding on the telephone or in a public place equipped with an induction loop system. Many auditoriums, public transportation places such as airports and bus stations, theaters, places of worship, and even grocery stores have loop systems." So, since the telecoil is integrated into a hearing aid, I'm sure Tauck doesn't carry it. I suspect what you are really asking is whether the whispers are compatible with hearing aids having a telecoil or if Tauck can supply a telecoil adapter.

    Whether the "Whisper" or "Vox" which are the brand names of the two devices Tauck typically uses, are inherently compatible with telecoil equipped hearing aids, you'll need to Google them and/or call Tauck. I suspect not because they are not "loop" systems. You should ask if they have a telecoil adapters.*

    Note, the "whispers" have a standard mini jack that accepts most headphones, etc. not just the supplied single earpiece. My hearing has been declining for a few years but I haven't gotten around to getting hearing aides so I use my standard Sony dual over-the-ear headphones with the "Whisper." It works great. I usually let the TD or local guide know so they don't think I'm listening to tunes while they are talking : )

    If you have a special set of headphones compatible with your hearing aid (regular or telecoil equipped), you can just use those.

    *If your hearing aids are telecoil equipped but Tauck doesn't have an adapter, you can get one that will work with the whisper and most standard audio devices- cell phone, iPad, iPod, etc. Adapters are available online and likely through your hearing aid supplier.

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