Jordan Visa

Those signed up for Jordan & Egypt: Petra to the Pyramids should have recently received a letter from Tauck (or your TA?). If you haven't received it yet, it essentially says you "will not have to pay for the visa required to enter Jordan." Tauck has made arrangements . . . "to secure your visa in advance and to also assist you with the visa process upon arrival at the airport in Amman."

"All entry requirements for Egypt remain unchanged." (The website and Statement of Purchase state, "Egyptian visas will be obtained upon arrival at Aswan International Airport on Day 5. The cost of the Egyptian visa is included in the tour price.")

Gotta love it!


  • We never received this letter and are traveling to Egypt and Jordan on March 14. Should we be worried?

  • edited January 2020

    Check your Summary of Purchase (a PDF document attached to Tauck's Reservation Confirmation email), pages 2-3:

    "PASSPORT & VISA REQUIREMENT: U.S. citizens will need a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond the completion of this journey. Up-to-date visas for Jordan and Egypt are also required. Your passport must contain at least two blank visa pages.
    Your Jordanian visa will be presented to you upon your arrival at Amman's Queen Alia International Airport. Tauck's partner in Jordan will obtain this visa in advance of your trip at no cost, provided we have received your passport information no later than 60 days before your tour begins.

    Egyptian visas will be obtained upon arrival at Aswan International Airport on Day 5. The cost of the Egyptian visa is included in the tour price."

    If you received it and it is different than above, give Tauck a call. Did you book your tour with a travel agent? Maybe the TA hasn't forwarded the Summary of Purchase to you? One reason I NEVER use a TA.

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