Dining at Jules Verne

I am hoping to have dinner at Le Jules Verne either before the beginning of my Savoring France trip in April, or on the day I get back to Paris (April 24) but the website for reservations says there are no tables available any time I try to make a reservation for one. But when I change the number of diners to two - poof! - there are tables available. Does anyone know way to contact them to get a table for one?


  • Their Terms and Conditions of Sale at this link https://www.restaurants-toureiffel.com/en/jules-verne-restaurant/terms-conditions.html appear to permit one customer. So if you can't get their system to take a reservations for one, book for two then cancel one, but to avoid a penalty charge, do it earlier than 48 hours prior. . .

    " . . . . And reducing the number:
    . without penalties, if the change is made more than 48 hours before the date of the service.
    . with penalties if the change is made less than 48 hours before the date of the service. Penalties will be 320 euros per person for a booking on the 24th December dinner and 25th December lunch, 710 euros per person for a booking on the 31st December dinner and 190 euros per person for any other date of the year."

  • Thanks, Alan. I emailed their Customer Service folks and now have a reservation for one. Very happy. :)

  • Something to keep in mind when you have dinner at the JV, is that you'll use their dedicated elevator to the second level, so no waiting in line or need for a ticket...regularly 16.60 Euros). After dinner, you can exit the restaurant and for a modest additional cost take the elevator to the top and have a drink at the champagne bar. Afterwards, you can take the regular elevators all the way down.

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