DDJJ statement for Argentina

Making last minute prep to begin our journey tomorrow for trip beginning Jan 8. It's a bit unclear to me about the DDJJ form. We have downloaded the website. Is it within 48 hrs prior to or 48 hrs after arrival?
Waiting on Covid test results and then we should be good to go.


  • The DDJJ form is 48 hours before arrival. They send some kind of response. Reading ‘cathyandsteve’ posts may be helpful as they just returned from the trip.

  • SeaLord, you must’ve getting excited!

  • I was really excited to discover that old tax returns make better kindling for the fireplace than newspaper. They are a better quality of paper, and seem to burn hotter. I’ve discovered that I can start three fires with one tax return, where it took an entire newspaper for one fire before.

    Yes, we are getting excited … but resigned to the problems of tests and paperwork and not getting omicron even though we don’t have symptoms. We have appointments for tests with UCSF but they will not guarantee a time frame … although twice before we have had results in less than twelve hours. If we don’t get ‘quick’ results we will test at the airport where they only take walk-ins with ‘tickets’ and give results in an hour … average total time three hours. We have opportunities on two days to do that. But, as our traveling buddies Ted and Terri have said, we will not feel comfortable until we are getting tossed around in the Drake Passage. (;-)

  • Just want to note we were not required to fill out a DDJJ to leave Argentina for Antarctica a few days ago. Maybe we will to get back to the States, but there was no mention of the form or request for it on our way to Ushuaia or out of port. So maybe it just varies based on who is working that day?

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