Taos Pueblo closed to visitors

Tauck announced this week that Taos Pueblo is still closed due to covid and has promised an alternative for Day 4. Nearly all 2022 dates are full, but in case someone is considering this tour, thought you might like to know.


  • As promised, Tauck has added two new itinerary items in lieu of the original Taos Pueblo visit: an Earthship (!) visit (turns out that's the name of a solar, low-impact model community; better leave your single-use water bottles on the bus) and the Millicent Rogers Museum. The first tour is April 15.

  • edited April 2022

    MarketArt, yes earthships are a thing out here. Most of the ones I know of are constructed from old tires and other cast off items which gets them out of landfills. The thick walls make for cooler temps in the summer and heat retention in the winter. We have lots of sun out here and not enough water so yes they use solar and conserve water. Should be very interesting.

  • edited April 2022

    I was at Taos Pueblo on a Tauck New Mexico tour a few years ago and it was quite interesting. Hopefully, the covid pandemic will end soon and that Tauck will be able to go there again sometime in the future. A lot of interesting history involving the Pueblos.

  • We were in Taos on our own a few years ago and stopped at the Earthship. It's exactly as Claudia described. Here are a few pictures. Even though we were on our own we had a Tauck surprise. The B&B we stayed at in Taos was owned by a family where the mother was a Tauck riverboat cruise director. When we walked into the reception room there were a number of Tauck catalogues on the tables which made us feel at home!

  • Great pictures and story Kathy. When we moved back here we thought about building a strawbale (another eco-friendly option) home but ended up with a 25+ year old fixer upper with great views. I find the differences in architecture around the world fascinating.

  • Thanks, great info! Sounds fascinating. I visited Taos Pueblo my last visit, when I also did an overnight at a James Turrell art installation in the desert. My tour's not for a few months, so will just have to wait and see.

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