Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand March 3, 2023

Hi all the trip has sold out with 34 participants! Anyone reading this on the tour besides me? Getting exciting, and losing sleep over what to pack! Any other over packers out there?


  • That is a terrific trip! We went 3 years ago. It was a casual group and I think maybe one or 2 dressier nights.

  • Loved this trip…these three countries are unique and so fantastic to visit. It can be cooler in Viet Nam although we were there in January so you may have milder weather.

  • Wonderful trip, I was there in 2018 in the summer, it was hot but being from Florida that doesn't bother me, I usually travel when it's warm because I hate being cold.

  • I’m also in Florida, so I’m pretty sure the heat won’t be an issue!

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