Wetsuits on the Silver Origin

Has anyone sailed on the Silver origin had a problem getting a wetsuit on the ship? I am told that the Origin carries wetsuits but, she is petite at 5'1" and 100 pounds. She just wants to make sure we don't need to get one on Amazon prior to the trip. I tried calling Silversea but they would not give me any info without my Silversea reservation which is held by Tauck. Anyone with experience in this situation, I would appreciate some guidance


  • Who is she?

  • Tauck asks your size and the suits appear in your room. After you use them, they are stored on deck where they are washed. N need to get your own Same for snorkeling equipment. It is yours to keep. They also prove fins but you need to return those at the end. While on the trip they are stored in mesh bags with the wetsuit after your first use.

  • Thanks for your help. Just wondering if there are washing machine or clothes dryers on the Silver Origin.

  • Having returned from the Hidden Peru and Galapagos trip I will tell you that Silversea did provide incorrect information. I called to see if the wetsuits were full length or shorty. I was told full length but they were shorty and the water was 62 degrees - basically freezing if you are from South Florida. My wife lucked out because she is very petite, about 5 ft 1 in tall and 98 lb. The staff on the Silversea Origin when inside and found her a youth large full length suit which was perfect. I would recommend if your going to be snorkeling and I would not goes to the Galapagos and not snorkel pick up aqua socks, gloves and possibly a hood if you are susceptible to cold or have a problem known as Raynaud's phenomenon. Otherwise you might not be very comfortable. In spite of this minor inconvenience it was a fantastic experience. WKudos to the staff of the Origin

  • We are leaving for this trip on May 19.   We are really looking forward to it, however, I am not a good swimmer but will enjoy the Origin as much as I can.  I suggest that anyone going on this trip to look up Mike Henderson's blog.  It is very informative.

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