Revised itinerary due to Avian flu

We are on "Cruising the Galapagos Islands" starting on 11/30, and received notification that our itinerary has been altered due to government closures for Avian Flu which has been identified in local birds. For one of the islands, we will not be able to land at all, and for another we will go to a snorkeling beach, with the opportunity to take a "robust hike" to see the giant tortoises. From the letter:

"We are reaching out today regarding your seven-day Galapagos Islands cruise aboard the
Isabela II, and some changes to your cruise itinerary made necessary by the recently
discovered presence of avian influenza on some of the islands in the Galapagos archipelago.
Out of abundance of caution – and to protect the many unique speciesnative to the islands –
local authorities have closed or restricted land access on Genovesa Island, San Cristóbal Island
and Española Island.

∙ Day 3- With Punta Pitt on San Cristóbal Island closed to visitors, we will instead explore
Galapaguera (also on San Cristóbal Island). Galapaguera is known for its beautiful white sand
beach, brackish lagoon and wonderful snorkeling opportunities. Snorkeling will be among our
available options here, along with a robust hike to see San Cristóbal’s giant tortoises in their
natural habitat.

∙ Day 4- On Española Island, instead of a guided hike into the island’s interior, we will
explore its coastal environs. Traveling by “pangas” (inflatable Zodiac boats) with expert guides,
we’ll search for marine iguanas and Sally lightfoot crabs along theisland’s rocky shores, marine
turtles in its waters, and other wildlife as well."

We are disappointed, of course, but hopeful that we will still have an amazing experience. We just wanted to let people know in case anyone is planning a trip to the Galapagos in the near future.


  • Sounds like Tauck has arranged for some excellent alternatives and you certainly have the right attitude. Enjoy your adventure.

  • As most of you know, I’m a Tauck cheerleader. We have been to the Galapagos three times on Celebrity’s Xpedition. This sounds like a significant modification in the itinerary. You can only enjoy so many viewings of marine iguanas. I would carefully examine the original versus the revised itinerary to see if this is what you want to do at this time.

  • I agree with SeaLord. We have been twice. You will miss a lot

  • When we traveled the Silver Origin we learned that ship itineraries are determined by the government and subject to change. Enjoy the trip and report back.

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