What to expect on days when scheduled for a inter-island flight

We are one the Best of Hawaii trips in May 2024 and had a few questions what to expect on days where there is an inter-island flight scheduled.
1. How early are the flights scheduled for departure.
2. Do we collect our luggage once we arrive at the airport and take to the check in or does Tauck handle this for us?


  • edited April 2024

    We did that tour back in 2020 and I blogged it. I try to be detailed so maybe your questions will be answered on our blog.


    I'll add that the hotel we were at on Kauai was really tops.

  • Mike, I've read your blog before, but just this time noticed Heidi was your TD. We had her many years ago for the Ultimate Alps and more recently on XMAS Mkts on the Rhine, and have corresponded with her for years. We go to Hawaii this Sept/Oct which, even if Heidi is still doing Hawaii, it is a bit too early for her.

  • edited April 2024

    Yes, that's her. She was reluctant to have her picture taken - said she didn't want to wind up on Facebook. I had to assure her my blog was my own, not on any social media. She did a good job and the Hawaii tour was excellent. You'll enjoy it. We stayed in some very, very nice hotels. The first one - the Pink Palace - was probably the lesser one.

    I'm not a Facebook fan.

    [Added note: we squeaked this tour in just before COVID shut everything down.]

  • edited April 2024

    I was on this tour early last year. Tauck is super-efficient, handles your checked bags. Flights were typically in the a.m., so early hotel departures, and Tauck does allow extra time imo, so be prepared for a lot of waiting around at the airports. Most are small with not much to do. Enjoy! Hawaii is beautiful.

  • Mike. Seemed to recognize your name. Me and my brother (Jeff & Raymond) were on the same tour with you and your wife:
    England, Scotland, and Wales
    May 13-26, 2018. If you look at the group photo from the tour, we are standing right next to you.

  • edited April 2024

    @Raymond_Rowland - Yes, I remember. Here's the picture with the two of you indicated. This picture was taken by a professional photographer. I gave him my card and requested he send me a digital version, which he did (about the only professional photographer who ever did that.) That's why the quality is so good. We had an excellent tour director on that trip (he's bottom right). That must be our bus driver in the coat and tie. Certainly none of the guests wore a coat and tie :)

    I hope the blog was of some value to you to remember the trip.

  • Sure was. Went through all your pictures and found some of myself & brother. Thanks for posting! Jeff p.s. that was the bus driver on the right.

  • We had our group photo there in 2013, but did not visit the house (Anne Hathaway's house?)?!?!?

  • Yes, that's Anne Hathaway's house in the background.

  • Just returned from this trip. Luggage is completely taken care of by Tauck. Flights are early (but not insanely early) so you have time to get to the next island and on to the itinerary generally by lunch. It was a great trip. When in Oahu, Arizona not automatically included as part of the tour but very easy to get in on stand-by access to the water shuttle. Pearl Harbor the best part of Oahu visit in our opinion.

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