
Women’s attire

Do not want to seem ignorant, but are there any “dress codes” we should be aware of traveling in this region.
Thinking head coverings, etc.


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    The trip is a very casual trip so you don't need to pack too many "nice" clothes. Several times we ate dinner in the same clothes we had toured in during the day. At our farewell dinner all of the men (including our TD) had open collared shirts and the women wore slacks and a nice shirt/sweater. Although there were not any "dress codes" for traveling in this region you do want to dress conservatively as you will be going into various houses of worship. You are not required to wear a head covering at any of the sites. I would suggest bringing a scarf, hat or hooded jacket for the Wadi Rum outing. You will sit in the back of a pick up truck with built in seats in the bed. It gets VERY windy as you ride around.

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    The words and music by TNVFL pretty much tell it like it is.

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