Adriatic Treasures

I am considering going on this trip in early June and was looking for any feedback from previous travelers.


  • edited March 2017
    We are going also around that time - hope to also hear some from earlier tourists
  • We just came back from this trip on Tuesday. We were the inaugural group. Wow! It was wonderful. This is trip is jam packed with cultural activities. The food was outstanding. I highly recommend it. If anyone has questions, ask.
  • Thanks for the feedback. Did you feel you had enough free time? What were some of your favorite spots. How does it compare to other Europe tours? How was the weather. We leave next week? Did you swim. Thanks again for sharing on site,
  • A long-winded response.

    Depends on your definition of "enough". We had free time but if you have traveled with Tauck you know there is a schedule to keep. They do give you time to do some wandering and shopping on your own or at one of the sites we visited. Check the schedule in the book they send you plus your TD will let you know.

    I found, for me, the entire time was good, even when on the bus driving to wherever. Our TD and the local guides gave a lot of good cultural and historical information. Be aware, there are borders to cross. Tauck, of course, takes that into account, but we were there before the "season" started so our wait was short. Some of the highlights (and I am forgetting half of it) were wandering in Dubrovnik, including walking the Old City walls (on our own time before the tour); the visit with silk maker, Antonia; visit to the truffle farm; olive oil tasting (we drank it); Trakoscan Castle; the train into the Postojna Caves; lunches on terraces; the Croatian wedding and celebration; Mostar and the war survivor; Ljubljana old city center and the castle; Pula and Rovinj; Krka National Park, Venice...the list goes on. And good food at each breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner, grappa, wine, rakia, etc! I loved all of it.

    I like all the tours I have been on. I find each country, hence each tour, is unique so I don't think it is easy to compare one to another. What has been consistent, for me, is the level of care and service from the Tour Directors, the quality of the guides and bus drivers, the fine hotels, dining choices and overall itineraries. This was my seventh tour so I keep coming back for more.

    We had absolutely perfect weather - blue skies and temps from 65-75 or so. A couple of mornings started cool and cloudy but then warmed up and the sun came out. It rained one day BUT only while we were on the bus. We did not swim. We could have at the Kempinski in Istria. It was warm enough to be outside but we didn't bring our suits. I think all of the hotels had pools but don't quite remember. It may be much warmer for you. I would bring it.

    Have a wonderful time!
  • Thank you very much for getting back to me with wonderful details on the Croatia trip. Your descriptions of your trip leave me excited with anticipation. We leave next week so I hope weather will be comparable.
    It was so kind to share your experiences.

    I appreciate your feedback.
    DID anyone go last year????
  • edited February 2019
    RosewoodJo wrote:
    DID anyone go last year????

    There has not been a lot posted- 5 misc. posts for 2018 in the forum archives (two of which that went unanswered are yours : ( There are 8 reviews on the tour page from 2018 travelers- all good except one from last April.

    It seems to be popular- except for the 11 April departure, 2019 is sold out.

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