Foodie tips?

We're headed to Santiago next week, have taken advice from others and booked a walking tour on our early arrival days, and now wonder if anyone has tips to offer about food in Santiago? We've traveled to some other places where everyone is extremely careful about drinking bottled water, no fresh fruits that can't be peeled, cooked veggies, etc. Should the same extra vigilant behavior prevail in Santiago? Thanks for any comments~


  • My wife and I were on a South American Tauck tour and drank and brushed teeth with unopened bottled water only. Tauck provided us ample bottles. However, I had gin drinks with ice and never had a problem. Same with coffee. Keep mouth shut when showering. Santiago and surrounding area are beautiful and we felt very safe. I speak spanish so that helped. Regarding food; we had very good steaks and very good Italian food in Santiago. Should carry Peptobismol tablets in case. Enjoy yourself! Remember to try a pisco sour (alcoholic) drink which are very good in Santiago.

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