carry on luggage

Hello, I'm on the Feb 27th 2017 Aus/NZ tour. My carryon is a couple of inches smaller than the required inches when it comes to width and depth, then the exact size for height. It then adds 3 inches with wheels. Has anyone else seen a wheeled carryon aboard the private jets? I'm hoping that it will be OK
Thank You


  • If. It is too big, then I guess they will put it in the hold. As Tauck is chartering the plane, you will do that when you board. It's a great service. You arrive at the airport and get straight on the plane. Have. Fun.
  • It is exactly as British says. Instead of leaving the hotel and putting your bag under the bus, you get off the bus and put your bag in the aircraft hold. Simple. It is only your tour people on the plane so it is quite safe - no baggage handlers etc..
    That plane is so comfortable too, and being 6ft 3 there is so much leg room.
  • Thank you very much for the info, I was worried because in the green booklet sent it said that if your carryon was too big it would be sent by ground and may take a couple of extra days. But it's the same size as I took to Israel and I had no problem. Of course there was no private jet there. Very much looking forward to the private jet and everything else!
  • sck2001 wrote:
    Thank you very much for the info, I was worried because in the green booklet sent it said that if your carryon was too big it would be sent by ground and may take a couple of extra days. But it's the same size as I took to Israel and I had no problem. Of course there was no private jet there. Very much looking forward to the private jet and everything else!

    I don't remember reading that, maybe they have become more strict. My carry on is just a small backpack. I can carry two changes of clothes, spare shoes, camera, book and so on. I just don't see the need for a wheeled carry on. I can run through the airports if I need to with it and hurry to the passport line when we deplane.
  • Likewise.

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