Budapest to Amsterdam - May 2017 - ms Treasures - Tauck

I can't find any reference here on forums on this particular sailing. We are new to river cruising and looking forward to this trip. Anyone else out there on this trip?

Dave & Lynn Coleman
Central Oregon


  • The only way a particular tour date has a thread is if someone like you starts one. That only happens about 25% of the time and usually by first timers or those on Bridges tours wanting to know the number and ages of other children coming on the tour.

    Once you've been on a Tauck tour/cruise you find it's very easy to make acquaintances as long as you are reasonably outgoing i.e. you aren't someone who always waits for someone else to initiate an introduction. Your basic "hi, may we join you, we're Dave and Lynn from Oregon" is enough to start the ball rolling. Most times the other passengers only know their own traveling companion so they're happy to chat.

    Hope you have a great cruise.
  • We will be on this trip and are looking forward to meeting new travelers.
    Marsha & Andy- NE Ohio
  • We are sisters traveling on the May 15th trip from Budapest to Amsterdam. This is our third Tauck trip together and my fifth Tauck trip but our first river cruise with Tauck. We are excited to set sail and meet other travelers. We are also from NE Ohio.
    Kitty and Ann
  • We are also on the May 15 Budapest to Amsterdam river cruise. We look forward to meeting you. It is our first Tauck trip. Very excited.

    Bill and Sonia
  • My wife and I will be celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary on this Tauck River Cruise. We're both looking forward to this trip!

    Steve and Sandra

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