Amalfi Coast tour

My husband Bill is a big man...has difficulty with lots of walking long distances.
Will he be able to enjoy the trip to the Amalfi coast with all the hills and the general touring? It a 3 on the brochure so I don't want to waste money .
Has anyone else had this issue , and how did it all work out?

Thank you!


  • We didn't take a tour but have been to Amalfi - beautiful area but it does involve a lot of walking - no cars in Positano and lots of hilly rocky roads.
  • We were on the Classic Italy tour last year. The day trip to the Amalfi Coast was not difficult for those in our group with walking challenges. Most of the morning we were on our own in the town of Amalfi and one can walk at their own pace sightseeing or shopping. There was one flight of steps at a church that were about forty steps high, but not difficult. There was a Tauck surprise visit to a popular site but again we were on our own to wander as we pleased.

    The more challenging day was the trip to Pompeii. There was more walking as a group while with a licensed tour guide, but one could still be able to rest if needed. I don't mean to imply that it involved a LOT of walking, just more that the Amalfi coast required.

    There were several tour members with bad knees and they were able to keep pace with the group for the entire trip. At most sites on the tour there was ample free time where you can set your own pace.

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