
Tauck ask for one medium size suitcase per person. We are bring one large size per person because of our boots and heavy clothing. Is this ok? Departure January 29


  • Hi BarbaraJ,

    We understand your concern, as it does get very cold at Yellowstone. Please check with your airline for their specific size and weight restrictions, as well as their fees.

    You may want to pack any prescription medicines you may need along with your travel documents and a change of clothing in your carry-on bags to avoid any inconvenience, in the event that your flight is delayed or the airline loses your luggage.

    As this is a very casual tour, bring comfortable clothing and plan on lots of layering.

    We recommend:
    Having at least 3 or 4 layers that you can take off and put on when needed
    Long underwear (upper and lower)
    Fleece tops and turtlenecks
    Ski parka and pants that are windproof
    Lined gloves that cover wrists and have good insulation
    Lined, waterproof and insulated boots
    Heavy socks
    Lined and warm hat
    Any fabric that will not freeze in the cold
    Bathing suit to swim in the hot springs
    Sun Screen

    Cameras and batteries act differently in cold weather. Keeping your camera in an outer pocket or case keeps the camera safe from extreme cold but also does not keep it too warm where condensation can develop. We recommend bringing spare batteries because when they get cold your camera will stop functioning.

    If you have any further specific questions, please feel free to call one of our Reservation Specialists at 1-800-468-2825

    I hope this helps,
    Tauck Emily

  • What are the constraints on carry-ons and personal items when in transit between lodging locations? If some of the transits are by snowcoach, are we more restricted than the recommendations for a regular coach tour?
  • edited November 2014
    We did this trip in January was fantastic.

    There were no issues WRT luggage. We were in two larger snow coaches for the w/luggage portions of the trip (to/from Old Faithful) and there was adequate space for the luggage in the rear of the coach. The only segments in the smaller Bombardier snow coaches were the day trips. I don't recall exactly what we had for luggage, but given our travel MO it was likely a full size suitcase apiece with an on-tour overflow into a small nylon duffle (we displace dirty clothes into the duffle to make room for stuff we pick up along the way).
  • Thanks for the clarification, Portolan! This will make packing logistics easier.

    We are very much looking forward to this trip in 2015!

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