July 28, 2017 Russian Glories

Wondering who else might be traveling on this tour date? My husband and I are looking forward to the adventure....we will be coming a day early...we are from Portland, Or


  • Hi We are booked for this trip as well! We are from New Jersey near Philadelphia, and excited about this trip although this past weekend's protests and demonstrations in Russia are a little worrisome!
  • Yes...I agree...but my travels with truck have been so seamless that I have great confidence that we will be taken care of! I look forward to meeting you! We are coming a day early...are you? I love much of New Jersey; my husband went to Princeton so we go back for reunions and I find it so beautiful.
  • edited June 2017
    My parents, brother, and I are on this tour. My parents and brother live in Arizona, and I'm in New Mexico. Nice to meet you guys. We're coming in a day early and leaving a day late. My dad went to Princeton in the 60s. He loves to meet people who went there.
  • Wonderful...We are coming a day early as well. Bill was class of '71 and loves "Old Nassau". How wonderful to do this as a family; it should be great. I am working on some reading before we go so that I know more than just "Nicholas and Alexandra!" Looking forward to meeting you, Carrie Stevens
  • My husband and I will be on this tour from Raleigh, NC. Lived in NJ for 17 years in Flemington and loved it. We're going on Castles and Kings with our grandsons first next week. Tauck travels are the best!
  • We look forward to meeting you! Yes, Love Tauck tours!
  • My husband and I are on trip and are going in a day early. We are from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and enjoy meeting people from around the country on our trips.
  • Redcargirl wrote:
    My husband and I are on trip and are going in a day early. We are from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and enjoy meeting people from around the country on our trips.

    This was for a 2017 tour!

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