Post Tour Travel

I'm researching how best to spend an extra 4 days post-tour from Tokyo. Has anyone been to Koyasan? I'm thinking of visiting there and Nara and then flying out of Osaka. Does that make sense?


  • Yes, it does make sense. I have been to Koyasan but it was over twenty years ago and it was with an international Japan based ladies group so I have no idea how and when I got but I think it was by the bullet train. I stayed in a temple and slept in a tatami matted room with other women. I did Japanese communal bathing there and so on, awesome!
  • It looks like you have a free day on day 11 of this itinerary which would give you plenty of time to visit Nara from Kyoto. Hopefully, others who have done this trip will weigh in on whether this is possible or if there is a better use of this extra time.
  • Yes, we do have a free day (and I'm guessing most will use it for Nara) but we're thinking of seeing the Miho Museum that day, which I think is in the other direction? Thanks, Kim

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