Russian Visa Needed for the A Week in the Baltics Trip????

Twice I have received communication from Tauck that a Russian visa is required, when the trip does not travel into Russia.

Please clarify that the visa is not required.

Is Tauck advising folks in case people are extending their trips into Russia?

Thank you.


  • You have to call Tauck on this one.
  • I think to go on Russia Baltic tours next summer and I'm searching for useful information. Did I need to have a Visa to travel to Russia?
  • To answer the specific question regarding the need for a Russian visa for the "A week in the ... Baltics" tour, no. That information on the Tauck documents is misleading/incorrect.
  • You don't need to have the Russian Visa to go to the Baltics. You need the Russian Visa to go to Russia. If you go to St. Petersburg, than you'll have to obtain the visa, unless visit on a cruise. But you have to be booked with a Russian local tour operator

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