Tuscany and Cinque Terre

We have three days after our September tour before we depart home from Rome. Should we stay in Florence ? I would appreciate any suggestions of non tourist places or other cities to see. This is our 4th visit to Italy, but we have always gone to Venice, Rome and Southern Italy. We are active hikers and walkers. I will look into "walkabout Florence" .
Thank you for any suggestions.


  • 2025 wrote:
    We have three days after our September tour before we depart home from Rome. Should we stay in Florence ? I would appreciate any suggestions of non tourist places or other cities to see. This is our 4th visit to Italy, but we have always gone to Venice, Rome and Southern Italy. We are active hikers and walkers. I will look into "walkabout Florence" .

    Thank you for any suggestions.

    No one answered, so I'll chime in.

    We did Classic Italy, Small Groups last year but didn't get nearly enough of Florence (and we also got weathered out- strong winds and rough seas- so weren't able to see Cinque Terre), so are thinking about this trip.

    I would spend more time in Florence in a heart beat, it would take a week or more to see it all. Rome is a big city, and though it has a lot of Roman ruins, the Vatican, etc., things are not as close and accessible on foot as they are in Florence. Florence is such a walkable city. Your trip starts in Florence so that will give you a taste.

    If you want to do Florence right- study up, pick your activities and sites, make a plan, and if possible get tickets now (or six months ago : ) ) especially if you want to climb Brunelleschi's Dome and see the Duomo Museum (must see) and the Baptistry. That is what we did.

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