Classic Italy April 19-May2

Anyone on this trip arriving in Sorrento a day early? Can we see Capri the day after arrival and be back in time for welcome reception ?


  • It is best to arrive a day early to adjust, do some light sightseeing and dinner before retiring. The following morning you will have time to visit and tour Capri. I recommend you take the fast boat over to Capri leaving at 8:00 to 9:00, returning on the fast boat leaving Capri somewhere between 3:00 to 4:00 pm. The reception on the small group tour was at 6:00 PM on the roof of the hotel. The boat leaves from the port in Sorrento which is only a few blocks from the hotel and is easily walkable. We used a licensed tour guide who met us at the hotel lobby. We had time to take a private boat ride around Capri and visit several towns and sights. There are plenty of suggestions for guides on the Classic Italy thread on this forum. The guide will remove all of the stress of logistics and can facilitate getting tickets for the boat and sights.

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