Question about category 4 cabin on ms treasures

Hi! I'm getting my items ready to be packed for my River Cruise that begins in less than a week! Woo Hoo!!

I'm hoping someone could tell me if there is an IRON in the Category 4 Cabin on the Ms Treasures????

I did google, read the Tauck info and looked on the Tauck site, but am not able to find an answer.



  • The only staterooms with irons/ironing boards are the Cat 7 suites on the diamond deck - you have to go to the individual stateroom descriptions and "view details" button to find this.

    However, you can borrow an iron/board from the front desk staff.
  • The only staterooms with irons/ironing boards are the Cat 7 suites on the diamond deck - you have to go to the individual stateroom descriptions and "view details" button to find this.

    However, you can borrow an iron/board from the front desk staff.

    Thanks Claudia!! I figured you'd know the answer!
  • Yep, a mind full of trivia. Back to my Sunday crosswords.
  • Do the Category 7 rooms have a hair dryer. It is not listed on the description with Tauck or other websites. I know they will have a hairdryer for me....towel....but I'm sure my girlfriend will want a real one.

  • edited January 2022

    Yes, you will have a hair dryer. All cabin amenities are listed on the drop-down tab for each cabin type noted within your specific tour.

  • Yes, all the staterooms have hair dryers and they don't want you bringing your own heated appliances even with adaptors or convertors.

  • I assumed that, but it is not on their check list.

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