Tea at the savoy

Has anyone done tea at the savoy. Is it worth doing. We are doing this trip in July 2017.


  • I've stayed at the Savoy and eaten there, breakfasts and dinners, but not had Afternoon tea. The service is very good and they actually know how to present a cup of tea or a pot of tea. It's worth the experience if you have never had Afternoon tea before, but purely a touristy thing of course. Make sure you schedule it on a day when Tauck does not provide any meals because Tauck has a good reputation for providing way too much food, we often opt for a small meal or snack on days when there is a meal that Tauck does not provide because we get too full.
  • My wife and I have done teas at many destinations including three places in London. While we have not done tea at the Savoy, it is recognized as one of the worlds great tea presentations (there's a book on it!). That being said, it is expensive and you will need to reserve well in advance. More information is available at the hotel website (including prices).

    I realize that you're staying at the Savoy, but for a less expensive and less formal tea, I would recommend Fortnum and Mason's (the famous gourmet food shop near Piccadilly). Still elegant and the tea service is outstanding. Less dressy. Fun store to visit, as well.
  • It depends on what you are looking for. For pure elegance -- we preferred The Palm Court at The Ritz to The Savoy. That said -- we totally agree with Ken about Fortnum and Mason. We have been to London countless times and for us Fortnum and Mason has become our destination of choice for afternoon tea. Much less touristy and you will be sharing your afternoon tea with more locals than at either of the other two. We have suggested it to many friends and nobody has been disappointed.
  • AAAH! Afternoon tea a wonderful British institution. I have not taken tea at any of the noted London venues, but for me it has been a daily ritual for many years, but I guess that is the English blood running in my veins diluted by tea.
    I can understand the comments about Tauck food quantities, but surely a cake stand with finely cut sandwiches and delicate cakes is an experience not to be missed. Tea in a proper china cup too, not the more common pottery mugs used these days. No sandwiches for my daily indulgence, just a pot of tea on a tray with a china cup, and a small plate with a cake. When I take my daily ritual at about 1600 hrs UK time I'll be thinking of you wherever you are. Some British traditions never die for some of us, and this is one ritual which the EU has not dared to legislate against!
    They regulate the amount of curve allowed on bananas sold in public, and even the amount of suck allowed on a domestic vacuum cleaner, but afternoon tea is something which is far too embedded for even the brightest brains in Brussels to begin to understand.
    Enjoy your experience. Oh, yes, I am definitely a pour tea first and milk last person whereas some insist on drowning the taste with excess milk in the cup first.
    Do report back when you have had the experience.
  • Thank you all so much for your enjoyable comments. I have just seen your posts today and we plan to have late tea on the day we arrive and then turn in for the night. So it will be easier to have tea at the savoy. And I know it will be a great experience after running all over London the day before the tour begins.

    Will let all of you know all about it after the experience. Will definitely look for the tea room and shop that you suggested. Love to shop for food. ????

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