Northbound 5/21/17 how dressy?

I'm wondering what type of dressy clothes people are bringing for this trip. I have some dressy pants and a nice blouse as well as a "dance dress" that's short but pretty. My DH is planning to just bring a sport coat and tie to dress up his slacks and shirt. Does that sound like what others are planning? We will have been at sea for 30 days prior to this trip so packing light is a priority.



  • I've never been on this tour so I'm not an expert but based on the "What to Pack" guidance for your tour it seems like your plans are fine. Looking at the weather predictions, you might get more use out of another nice top to go with your dress slacks than a dress. Don't forget some sort of evening wrap/sweater.

    Don't worry about repeating outfits. No one else will likely remember.

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