June 7th Tour

My wife Joanne and I will be on the June 7th Tour and wondering who else is taking this Tour. We are from Rocklin, Ca and will be arriving on early Monday June 5th. This will be our 4th Tauck Tour.

We are looking for interesting and fun things to do on the Tuesday and Wednesday before the Tour starts (sorry AllanS, not hang gliding). Has anyone taken any of the Viator Tours to the Pachacamac Temple or Huaca Pucllana and Huaca Huallamarca?

Thanks in advance,


  • You don't know what you are missing! :~)
  • Book the Viator to Pachacamac from Lima. That was excellent. We also did a Viator in Bolivia at the end: Tiwanaku and Puma Punku. Highly recommended. Fortunately American Airlines canceled our flight coming home, so we had an extra day in La Paz.
  • AlanS and SHG thanks so very much for your comments.
  • I just got back from this tour last night. I had arrived a day early in Lima and went to Huaca Pucclana on my own. It was about a 45 min - 1 hour walk from the Miraflores Park Hotel. They give tours in English as part of the entrance fee. There's a very nice restaurant adjacent to the site, where I ate lunch. We went to Tiwanaku as part of the tour, so don't book a separate trip. Do believe what the brochure says -- this is not a vacation, but an adventure.

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