Dinner on the First Night of Tour


Question for those who have already done this tour.
We were wondering if anyone has any details about the timing of dinner on day 1. It does not sound as though we are eating as a group, so should we be making our own reservations , or are there time slots that we should be signing up for. It sounds as though it is a relaxed/flexible start to the journey which we appreciate, but we are just wondering about the logistics.
thank you.
p.s. any other tips from past travels are very welcome. - thanks,


  • I am assuming based on prior Tauck trips I have taken that the information as to time of dinner will be in the packet they give you when you check in to hotel if you are arriving on the 10th.
  • Since Tauck is "providing" the dinner the details will either be in the green book or given to you during hotel check-in.
  • When I did this tour a number of years ago, we made the dinner reservation when we checked in. I believe the desk told us to whom we needed to speak about dinner. There was no problem getting a time that we wanted.
  • Aloha. Day 1 dinner was at the Royal Hawaiian and on your own schedule and covered by Tauck. The group "Welcome Dinner" was on Day 2.
  • Yes, Day 1 you are on your own schedule because people arrive at different times. We did meet the tour director the first day but ate on our own but Tauck paid for it. The welcome dinner is day 2 at a beautiful location. This is a fabulous relaxing trip. Enjoy!!
  • Thank you all for your comments and assistance.
    We are arriving a few days early and wanted to understand how much flexibility we had with our dinner schedule that night and we are glad to hear that it sounds like there is some so that we can work a tour into that day.

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