Sweet Life Tour July 4-11

We are a family of 4 with kids age 20 and 16 going on the Sweet Life Tour in Italy July 4-11. Who else is going? Also trying to celebrate my husband's 50th birthday! Where can we dine and celebrate in Sorrento or Capri?


  • Hello jrobi1234, We are a family of four from the SF Bay Area. We have two girls ages 18 & 15 going on the same tour. Look forward to meeting you all! Where are you from?
  • edited June 2018
    jrobi1234 wrote:
    We are a family of 4 with kids age 20 and 16 going on the Sweet Life Tour in Italy July 4-11. Who else is going? Also trying to celebrate my husband's 50th birthday! Where can we dine and celebrate in Sorrento or Capri?

    Check the forum archives and Rick Steves. Really, you have to look hard to find a bad place to eat. Before planning a dinner on Capri, you should check the ferry schedule or plan on spending the night there. And if you haven't booked a hotel yet you might have a hard time finding rooms at this late date since you are visiting in peak season. Make dinner reservations now, regardless of where you plan to eat, too!! Both Sorrento and Capri are wonderful.

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