ashford castle dinner

Wondering if it is absolutely necessary for men to have a sports coat for dinner. Can't see carrying this thing around for two weeks for only one dinner.


  • edited June 2017
    It depends where you eat. If you eat in the Dungeon or Cullen's at the Cottage, a jacket is not required. Jacket and tie are required in the George V Dining Room. I brought a jacket, but we ate in the Dungeon and Cullen's.

    This is what it says on the Ashford Castle website:

    "Please note a dinner jacket is required for Gentlemen and tie requested for the George V Dining Room."
  • I am a little confused about dinner at Ashford Castle. The men I am traveling with are trying not to bring a jacket. With the small group tour are we given a choice of the restaurants we can eat at with the castle, or does everyone eat at the George V dining room. If so, it says jacket and tie required.
    Are there other restaurants on the tour that would really require a jacket?
  • edited July 2017
    CathieOK wrote:
    I am a little confused about dinner at Ashford Castle. The men I am traveling with are trying not to bring a jacket. With the small group tour are we given a choice of the restaurants we can eat at with the castle, or does everyone eat at the George V dining room. If so, it says jacket and tie required.
    Are there other restaurants on the tour that would really require a jacket?

    You have a choice of any of the three dining places (at time of your choosing) I mentioned for the two dinners provided. I believe there are no other establishments that "require" men to wear a jacket other the the George V. However, there are definitely places men might "seriously consider" wearing a jacket- Mount Juliet, Lough Erne, Merchant Hotel in Belfast (9 course Titanic Tasting Dinner), Farewell dinner in Dublin.

  • AlanS wrote:
    You have a choice of any of the three dining places (at time of your choosing) I mentioned for the two dinners provided. I believe there are no other establishments that "require" men to wear a jacket other the the George V. However, there are definitely places men might "seriously consider" wearing a jacket- Mount Juliet, Lough Erne, Merchant Hotel in Belfast (9 course Titanic Tasting Dinner), Farewell dinner in Dublin.

    Thank you for your response. Our booklet shows us having two dinner at Ashford Castle. The second dinner states it is a la carte, but nothing is show what the first dinner is. This is why I was wondering if the dinner was served in the George V. I am thinking the guys will just bring a jacket and be done with it! ????
  • We were just on the small group tour of Ireland and stayed at Ashford Castle. They do require a jacket, however, if you do not have a dinner jacket they will provide one for you at the reception desk.
  • edited September 2017
    MWTravel wrote:
    We were just on the small group tour of Ireland and stayed at Ashford Castle. They do require a jacket, however, if you do not have a dinner jacket they will provide one for you at the reception desk.

    We found the same thing. All but one man on our tour brought a jacket. The one who didn't have one was supplied one to wear.

    You'll love your time at the Ashford Castle.

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