Cell Phone Service On Grand Alaska Trip

We are going on the Grand Alaska Tour in early July. Our carrier (AT&T) apparently doesn't have an agreement with Princess Cruise Lines. Can anyone who has taken this trip tell me if they were able to get cell service while on the ship without paying for an expensive package? We are only looking to have service in case of an emergency back home.


  • edited June 2017
    I haven't taken the tour but can't you just rely on the free intermet you get on the ship and use FaceTime and email for communication since you say you only need your phone for emergency. I assume if you truly do have family at home that need to get in contact with you, they can call Tauck and I would hope they could get a message to you, not that it would help when you were in the middle of the ocean to be able to get to an airport and get home. For the hotel stays Tauck provide you with hotel phone numbers that family could call. There is also Whatsapp which you can use while you are on land that is free for phone calls and texts, I have used that to call friends who live outside the US.

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