Touring in Dubrovnik on our Own

We are going on the October Adriatic Treasures Tour and will arrive several days early in Dubrovnik. It appears that the half day there with Tauck does not cover a tour of the city walls, only the Old Town. We're trying to confirm this because we might want to do a local walking tour on our own. Also, it would be helpful to know where Tauck eats dinner in the city; we don't want to replicate the welcome dinner venue with several interesting restaurants from which to choose. Can Tauck or anyone who has gone weigh in?


  • The City Walls are easily walkable without any sort of a guide or tour. There's a cafe about halfway around where you can get a cold drink or a beer.

    A must see is taking the ferry out to Lokrim - it's a city park on an island just outside the harbor. Beaches, walking trails and cafes, and a Napoleonic era artillery fort on top of the hill with a really good view of Dubrovnik.

    Try and stop in to "Bar Buza" also called the "Hole in the Wall Bar". It's a small bar built on the rocks outside the city wall on the west (ocean) side of town. Sunset views, and if you're brave you can jump off the rocks and swim, and then climb a ladder back to your table. (There are two "Bar Buza's in Dubrovnik. Go for "Buza 1")
  • Tauck took us to Fish Restaurant Proto. On our own, we went to Dalmatino and Zuzori. Both were very good. We too walked the walls and took the boat to Lokrum. If you want the cafe to be halfway, you need to enter on the far gate from the hotel. Go early in the morning for reduced crowds and better temperatures.
  • I will be going on the river cruise in there anything else you recommend to see on my days before the tour starts?
  • This I see a land tour, not a cruise, are you on the wrong tour?
  • British- I am doing both the river boat this August and land Croatia to Venice next year.
  • Bart Hatfield

    Approximately how long is the walk along the walls and the boat ride? I'm going in September and can't wait.
    Patricia Rogers

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