Any recent info? We are on Aug 6, '17 trip

There haven't been any postings for this trip in 2 years and I was wondering how the Keltic Lodge is at this point? Are there any restaurant suggestions for on-our-own dining? If recent tour directors have been good, etc. What suggestions folks have for our free time explorations? Is the whale-watching trip worthwhile? Thanks!


  • edited June 2017
    We have taken several Canada tours with Tauck, this was probably one of them, or a similar version. This may be the tour where several of the hotels had just 'full' size beds as a choice for sleeping, we prefer at least queen. Our whale watching was wonderful. We particularly enjoyed chosing oysters by the name of the bay they were caught in and the fabulous poutine.... not good for the heart but worth every bite. Canada is a beautiful country eh!
    We have maybe only had one so so Tour director in all Tauck tours. And one of the very best was in Canada!
  • We are on the Aug 8 2017 Canadian Maritime 11 day small group tour...anyone else??
  • Just got back from the 11 day Maritime Tour. Hope you like riding the bus. Some days VERY long on the bus. Meals were excellent every where. Keltic lodge was fine but NOT without it's issues. Staffed with teenagers for Summer jobs who don't get much training and older staff who don't really care. Some on our tour had issues that, after hearing, told the tour director. He was a good guy but I don't know if they were addressed by him to the hotel staff. It is a beautiful place to stay and I'd suggest dining in the "upscale" dinning room in the lodge itself. It is up scale like a Denny's but the food is better. The other dinning location is like a Holiday Inn Express. Bus had no wifi but had plugs for your electrical items. Wifi in all the hotels were very good. My tour was small group. If you like the scenery in NW Arkansas, you don't need to go to Nova Scotia to get better views. Nova Scotia was very clean but frankly, I'm glad I did the trip and the 11 day is better than the 8 day but overall I found after the 5 days the trip was just a long bus ride to no where.
  • Tauck rates Pace/Activity. Don't see any problem with that for me. I'll check it out on our mid-August trip.

    Activity Level:
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