A Week in Spain: September 10, 2017

I am a solo traveler on this tour. Are there other female solos on this trip?
I have traveled solo with Tauck on a river cruise, and I was warmly welcomed both by couples and singles.


  • When are you going?
  • I am taking the Week in Spain tour on October 22 as a single. Please post a review when you return.

    Anyone else on the 10/22 tour?
  • MaPetite wrote:
    Planning to travel To Spain on the September 20 tour. Looking forward to seeing this beautiful country. Please let us know if you will be on going at this time.
    Is anyone planning to cancel due to terrorist attack?

    Here we go again, don't let the terrorists win and let's face it, they will hardly pick Barcelona again, there will already be a new country target planned. Or we could stay home and get killed by a driver distracted by a cell phone and fail to stop at a stop sign which is how my husband's life could have ended this week.
  • I am taking the October 22 trip. I am due to arrive on the 21st. I just paid my balance yesterday so you can see I agree with British. They probably wont hit Barcelona again and things can happen at home.

    I flew to France about a week after 9/11 and half the people scheduled on the tour had canceled. So we had a small group tour without paying for one. Maybe it will happen again if people cancel.

  • I am on the September 24th tour: A Week in Spain, arriving early on 9/22. I wonder how close Le Meridien is from the terrorist activity and what safety measures may be in place? There is an annual festival in Barcelona taking place thru 9/24 called Le Merce, and thousands of people will be flocking into Barcelona. That should make things interesting.
  • I am on the September 24th tour: A Week in Spain, arriving early on 9/22. I wonder how close Le Meridien is from the terrorist activity and what safety measures may be in place? There is an annual festival in Barcelona taking place thru 9/24 called Le Merce, and thousands of people will be flocking into Barcelona. That should make things interesting.
  • edited September 2017
    I am on the September 24th tour: A Week in Spain, arriving early on 9/22. I wonder how close Le Meridien is from the terrorist activity and what safety measures may be in place? There is an annual festival in Barcelona taking place thru 9/24 called Le Merce, and thousands of people will be flocking into Barcelona. That should make things interesting.
    I just finished the August 27 tour, but I spent 3 days in Barcelona before tour began. Was privileged to observe the march in which 500,000 Barcelonans walked peacefully down the main boulevard to the spot where the attack occurred. Le Meridien is not far from location of attack but I don't think there is much chance there will be another attack in the same spot. There is heavy police presence in Barcelona as in all cities we visited on the tour. I loved this tour and did not feel at all unsafe.
  • LadyL Posted: Saturday, September 23, 2017 12:43:28 PM

    I just returned from this tour. We visited 6 cities in 8 days and stayed at 4 hotels. Be sure to use packing cubes, which you can buy on Amazon, and your unpacking/re-packing will be much easier.

    The tour was quite extensive and informative. There was a good amount of walking and bus time, a plane ride, and a bullet train. Our local guides were outstanding, as were the Tauck events. Our Tour Director, a nice enough man, was really not up to Tauck's high standards. Many guests in our group were not pleased with him.

    There was a planned demonstration in Barcelona on our first day. Tauck should have been aware of this and made other arrangements for us, as the city was overcrowded with demonstrators, which impeded our visit. None of us felt unsafe, and there was a visible police presence.

    Still and all, it was an enjoyable trip, and Spain is a wonderful place to vacation.

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