Romantic Germany - Solo Traveler

I am a solo traveler on the romantic Germany trip starting Sept. 2, 2017. I will be in Frankfurt the day before if you would like to meet up. Also looking for some options to do/see for the afternoon. Any suggestions?


  • edited July 2017
    We are not on your tour (ours ends 1 Sep) but we have arranged to do a walking tour in Frankfurt with Frankfurtonfoot walking tours. They have an inexpensive group tour- you just show up at Reimerplatz mid-morning- or you can book a private tour.
  • Thank you. I will not get in till early afternoon but will look into one for the afternoon.
  • janetsusan wrote:
    Thank you. I will not get in till early afternoon but will look into one for the afternoon.

    They are very flexible and accommodating- they even do tours for people with long layovers at Frankfurt airport. I'm sure they can do an afternoon tour.

    But frankly, I would just plan on spending the afternoon getting settled and resting or possibly take a walk to the nearby Sachsenhausen area, then take the walking tour the next day, either a private tour in the morning or afternoon or if you can't find others to go with you, take the mid-morning group tour.

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