Sept weather

We are booking the Canadian Rockies and Glacier Nat'l Park trip for Sept.. 3, 2018. Our concern is what will the weather be like and how cold will it be. If someone has gone on this tour, please advise your experience with the weather. Thanks.


  • Even if someone who's has gone at that time of year answers, I still wouldn't count on it. They might have had lovely fall weather with clear skies and you could still get snowed on. Plan on the best and the worst, be able to layer to fit your daily needs and maybe include some wardrobe items that can be sink washed/dried overnight.

    We were in Normandy and the UK in June and had everything from unusually hot dry weather to typically cool, rainy. No matter your views on man made global warming, it's gotten impossible to predict what weather you'll see anywhere a year from now.

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