malaria meds

My doctor gave me a prescription for malaria medication, to be taken one day before I go and for seven days after I return. I'm wondering how necessary this is. We have sprayed our clothing and have plenty of deet repellent. I hate to take the medication if I don't need it--plenty of possible side effects.


  • edited August 2017
    You can check for yourself, but Malaria is not fun. If your doctor prescribed it and the CDC recommends it, I suggest it is better to be safe than sorry. If you have side effects from the prophylaxis, you can always stop taking them.
  • edited August 2017
    Just got back from this tour July 18th...Took malaria pills with NO side effects...Most everyone in our group of 21 took the meds, important to take with food, most of us took at breakfast each morning....I was concerned myself so actually started taking them few days before I left states, got extra from doctor with my prescription....Malarone is the usual prescribed.

    As Alan said, you can always stop them if need be. But, no one wants malaria. I also sprayed clothes, took deet wipes. No one on our tour saw a mosquito or had problems.

    Wonderful trip of a life time, enjoy
  • thanks so much!
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