
Does anyone recall when the ship departs from Maastricht following the day at Chateau Neercanne and American Cemetery? I read under a related topic in Travel Forum that arrival is back at ship somewhere around 4:45pm. Brochure simply reads "spend the (next) morning cruising the Albert Canal." Unclear where ship is that night. My wife and I have good friends in Maastricht area that we would like to visit with during the stopover, next April, and trying to gauge if that evening is still spent in Maastricht area or not.

I am assuming that Tauck probably would not permit us to pay for our friends to participate in the special luncheon at the Chateau.


  • What cruise are you on? We are booked on the 21 April departure on the MS Esprit.

    I had enquired about the approximate time we'd be at the Netherlands American Cemetery and prior trips were there from about 3:30-4:45 PM. It wasn't clear where we dock this evening.

    We have been on four Tauck trips and I can not imagine they would allow friends, relatives or anyone to join an event along the way.

    Best regards,

  • Totally ridiculous to expect Tauck to allow none guests on a tour, for insurance purposes never mind anything else, if they do let friends on, let me know, and I'll arrange friends to meet me on one of my tours and share a special dinner.
  • Pilsbury,
    When is your trip? Hubby and I will be on the trip leaving April 14 from Brussels to Amsterdam. We will arrive a day early in Brussels.
  • Dixie Chick and AshvEd. We are still in the decision phase of tour planning. Yet to book but, based on remaining availability, the 14th is the likely choice should we elect to book this itinerary. Hopefully, can meet you and your spouse then. Thanks for asking.

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